: migliori prodotti
EuroLite Smoke Fluid -X- Extrem A2 5l
47 EUR
Eurolite Smoke Fluid -X- Extrem A2 5 Litre, Fog Fluid, Contents: 5 Litre, Long-lasting fog effect with extremely high density, Recommended usage: Open-air stages, simulations (fire drills etc.), Water-based, Odourless, Glycerine-free composition, Toxicologically harmless, Not hazardous to health, Biodegradable according to OECD 301E/EEC 84/449 C3, Non-flammable, No transport restrictions, Not classified as dangerous goods
EuroLite UV Bubble Fluid 5l blue
55 EUR
Eurolite UV Bubble Fluid 5l blue, Active UV Soap Bubbles, Produces normal soap bubbles with standard lighting, with UV light the soap bubbles start to glow, Bubble fluid ready to use, Dimensions: 14.5 x 19 x 25 cm, Weight: 5.50 kg, Content: 5 l, Made in Germany
EuroLite UV Bubble Fluid 5l yellow
55 EUR
Eurolite UV Bubble Fluid 5l yellow, Active UV Soap Bubbles, Produces normal soap bubbles with standard lighting, with UV light the soap bubbles start to glow, Bubble fluid ready to use, Dimensions: 14.5 x 19 x 25 cm, Weight: 5.50 kg, Content: 5 l, Made in Germany
EuroLite D-5 Hazer-Fluid 5L Oil Based
64 EUR
Eurolite D-5 Hazer-Fluid 5L Oil Based, Hazer Fluid for Haze Generators, Oil-based without dye additives, Odourless, Glycerine-free composition, Toxicologically harmless, not harmful to health, Readily biodegradable according to OECD 301E/EEC 84/449 C3, Non-flammable, no transport restrictions, no dangerous goods, Subject to constant control and meets REACH requirements, Proven quality, Dimensions: 15 x 19 x 25 cm, Weight: 4.45 kg, Made in Germany
Martin by Harman RUSH Club Smoke Dual Fluid 5l
37.9 EUR
Martin by Harman RUSH Club Smoke Dual Fluid 5l, Fog and Haze Fluid, For use with the RUSH Club Smoke Dual effect system, Water-based fluid that leaves minimal residue, Produced with ultra-pure, deionised water, Produces both fog and haze effects, Long life, Dimensions (W x D x H): 186 x 132 x 280 mm, Contents: 5 Litre, Weight: 5.1 kg
Tiger LIS7-BK Stativo luci per fotografi & SMOKE5L-HD IBIZA Fluido per macchine del fumo ad alta densità 5 litri
58.09 EUR
Prodotto 1: Leggero per luci con finitura nera Prodotto 1: Treppiede solido base completo con barra a T, e può essere regolato in altezza per soddisfare tutti i requisiti Prodotto 1: Adatto per discoteca, fare spettacoli e altri Spotlight/disco Prodotto 2: SMOKE5L-HD: liquido fumogeno ad alta densità (lattina da 5l). Produce un fumo bianco denso e opaco. Prodotto 2: IDEALE : Lo SMOKE5L-HD è ideale per dare un'atmosfera unica ai vostri eventi, feste, matrimoni e compleanni. Prodotto 2: COMPATIBILITÀ: Può essere utilizzato con qualsiasi tipo di macchina del fumo, compresa la gamma di macchine del fumo IBIZA Prodotto 2: VANTAGGI: Non lascia residui, non macchia ed è inodore. IBIZA Fog Liquid è un must-have per rendere le vostre feste memorabili. Basta versare il liquido per la nebbia nel serbatoio della tua macchina e lasciare che la magia accada.
Smoke Factory Super Fog Fluid 5L
49 EUR
Smoke Factory Super Fog Fluid 5L, Super Fog Fog Fluid, Long-lasting fog, Guaranteed purity of the ingredients according to DAB (German Pharmacopoeia) and USP (United States Pharma), Safety Data Sheet and DIN Material Safety Data Sheet, Completely water thinkable, Biodegradable, Non-flammable, Permanent quality control, 5 liter canister
Cameo Fine Fluid 5L
35.9 EUR
Cameo Fine Fluid 5L, Haze-Effect Fog FluidThe Cameo Fine Fluid is suitable for all standard fog machines. It produces a very fine, odorless haze with a long lifespan and has an excellent reflectivity@+@+, Low residue, Contents: 5 L, Very fine haze, Very long lifespan, Very good reflectivity, Ready to use, Odorless, Biodegradable, Not harmful to health, Safety Data Sheets and Safety Data Sheets available for download, Made in Germany
Ibiza DJLIGHT60 Supporto luminoso con 2 PAR RGBB e 2 proiettori MOON FOWER RGBBBA pacchetto LED 4 in 1 & SMOKE5L-HD Fluido per macchine del fumo ad alta densità 5 litri
184.07 EUR
Prodotto 1: DJLIGHT60 : Supporto luminoso con 2 faretti PAR RGBB e 2 Moon flower a led RGBB Prodotto 1: CONTENUTO: 1 barra trasversale che alimenta gli apparecchi, 2 proiettori PAR (12 LED RGBB ciascuno), 2 LED Moonflowers, telecomando, supporto nero con piedini antiscivolo, 4m di cavo di alimentazione e cavo di segnale DMX (pre-installato su tutti e 4 i proiettori) Prodotto 1: ANIMAZIONE: Con questo pacchetto completo 4 in 1, crea uno spettacolo di luci spettacolare e autosufficiente. Prodotto 1: FESTIVA: I 4 riflettori lavorano insieme per darti tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per ravvivare le tue feste, compleanni, matrimoni e spettacoli. Prodotto 2: SMOKE5L-HD: liquido fumogeno ad alta densità (lattina da 5l). Produce un fumo bianco denso e opaco. Prodotto 2: IDEALE : Lo SMOKE5L-HD è ideale per dare un'atmosfera unica ai vostri eventi, feste, matrimoni e compleanni. Prodotto 2: COMPATIBILITÀ: Può essere utilizzato con qualsiasi tipo di macchina del fumo, compresa la gamma di macchine del fumo IBIZA Prodotto 2: VANTAGGI: Non lascia residui, non macchia ed è inodore. IBIZA Fog Liquid è un must-have per rendere le vostre feste memorabili. Basta versare il liquido per la nebbia nel serbatoio della tua macchina e lasciare che la magia accada.
Smoke Factory Fast Fog EXTRA III 5l
49 EUR
Smoke Factory Fast Fog EXTRA III 5l, Fog Fluid, Extremely fast dissolving fluid, Produces a CO2-like effect, Ideal for short fog effects like fog columns, Water-based fluid, Residue-free and odorless, Canister with 5 l content, Made in Germany@+*Note:* Not compatible with Scotty II and Tour Hazer
Smoke Factory Heavy Fog PLUS 5l
69 EUR
Smoke Factory Heavy Fog PLUS 5 Litre, Fog Fluid, Special development for the rescue and security sector, Produces a very white and cloudy fog that stays in the room for an extremely long time, Very heat-resistant in comparison to standard fluids, meaning that it does not dissolve as quickly at high temperatures, Water-based, Residue-free and odourless, Guaranteed purity of ingredients according to DAB (German Pharmacopoeia) and USP (United States Pharma), Oil-free, Completely water-soluble, Biodegradable, Non-flammable and almost odour neutralCanister with 5 l capacity@+*Note:* Not compatible with Scotty II and Tour Hazer.@+@+
Smoke Factory Heavy Fog 5l
59 EUR
Smoke Factory Heavy-Fog 5l, Fog Fluid, Heavy fog, Extremely long-lasting fog fluid, Guaranteed purity of the ingredients according to DAB (Deutsches Arzneibuch; German Pharmacopoeia), Contains: 5 l
Smoke Factory Fast Fog 5l
62 EUR
Smoke Factory Fast-Fog 5l, Fog Fluid, Quickly dissolving fog fluid, Purity of the ingredients guaranteed in accordance with DAB (Deutsches Arzneibuch; German Pharmacopoeia) and USP (United States Pharma), Clearance certificate and DIN safety data sheet, Completely water-dilutable, Biodegradable, Not flammable, Permanent quality control, Contains: 5 l
Magic FX Eco2Jet Outdoor Fluid 5L
80 EUR
Magic FX Eco2Jet Outdoor Fluid 5 L; is specially designed for the Eco2Jet to create a stunning white smoke effect that disappears quickly, mimicking the look of CO2. With one Eco2Jet outdoor Fluid 5 L, you can create up to 13 minutes of effect. Dimensions (LxWxH): 19 x 14 x 24 cm; Weight: 5.5 kg
Martin by Harman Pro Clean & Storage Fluid 2.5L
31 EUR
Martin by Harman Pro Clean & Storage Fluid 2.5L, Fog Machine Cleaner, Special cleaning fluid for Martin and Jem fog machines, Highly efficient cleaning solution, Keeps all Martin effect machines consistent, Reduces clogging of heating elements when used consistently, Cost-effective preventive maintenance solution, Water-based, Residue-free, Environmentally friendly, Bottle dimensions (L x W x H): 140 x 110 x 216 mm, Weight: 2.6 kg, Content: 2.5 l
Magic FX Eco2Jet Indoor Fluid 5L
73 EUR
Magic FX Eco2Jet Indoor Fluid 5L, Fog Fluid, Specially developed for the Eco2Jet to create a stunning white smoke effect that dissipates quickly, mimicking the appearance of CO2 jet streams, With a five litre jerrycan you can create up to 13 minutes of effect, Content: 5 l, Dimensions (L x W x H): 19 x 14 x 24 cm, Weight: 5.5 kg
Cameo Fast Fluid 5L
49 EUR
Cameo Fast Fluid 5L, Fog FluidThe Cameo Fast Fluid is specially formulated for spectacular CO2 effects and produces a particularly dense white fog boost with excellent reflective behavior and a very short, seconds-long lifespan.@+@+, Special effect fluid for generating CO2 effects, Suitable for all common fog machines, Ready to use, Contents: 5 L, Recyclable canister, Very good reflectivity, Low residue, Odorless, Biodegradable, Not harmful to health,, Safety Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheet available for download, Made in Germany
Martin by Harman JEM Pro-Fog 5l High Density ultra bianco
59 EUR
Martin by Harman JEM Pro-Fog 5l High Density, Liquido per macchina del fumo, Contenuto: 5 l, Successore e sostituto di JEM Pro Smoke High-Density (SP) e JEM i-Fog Fluid, Liquido fumogeno a base d'acqua, Prodotto con acqua deionizzata ultrapura, Colore: ultra bianco, Alta densità , Dispersione lenta, Dimensioni (L x P x A): 186 x 132 x 280 mm, Peso: 5,1 kg
Martin by Harman JEM Pro-Fog 5l
52 EUR
Martin by Harman JEM Pro-Fog 5l, Fog Fluid, Successor and replacement for the JEM Pro Smoke Super ZR Mix, Water-based fog fluid, Produced with ultra-pure, deionized water, Average density, Average dispersion time, White colour, Dimensions: 186 x 132 x 280 mm, Weight: 5.1 kg, Contents: 5L